How do I transfer a call from my office phone in the Avaya phone system?

Avaya 9641G (touch screen) model:

  1. Select the line you want to transfer.
  2. Touch Transfer.
  3. Dial the telephone number, or call the person from the CONTACTS list, or call the person from the HISTORY list.
  4. Touch Transfer
  5. When prompted ‘Transfer Now or Talk with 7xxxx’, touch Now if you want to transfer the call immediately, touch Talk to announce the caller before completing the transfer. After announcing the caller, press Complete to transfer the call.
Regain a transferred call (before call is answered)
  • Touch Cancel


Avaya 9611G (not touch screen) model:

  1. Press Transfer soft key.
  2. Dial the telephone number, or call the person from the CONTACTS list, or call the person from the HISTORY list.
  3. Press the Transfer soft key
  4. When prompted ‘Transfer Now or Talk with 7xxxx’, press Now if you want to transfer the call immediately, press Talk to announce the caller before completing the transfer. After announcing the caller, press Complete to transfer the call.
Regain a transferred call (before call is answered)
  • Press Cancel soft key



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Thu 3/5/20 9:52 AM
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